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Quality and reliability are the hallmarks of our company, which makes us stand out. Nevertheless, if the product fails to perform as described under correct operation, we will provide a replacement within 10 to 15 working days upon receiving the product.

When returning products, please follow these instructions:

  1. No products should be returned by the purchaser without prior negotiation with the seller.
  2. The Seller reserves the right to inspect Products on Purchaser’s premises and/or to require disposal rather than return.
  3. If the return is not in compliance with Seller’s instructions, a restocking fee may apply.
  4. If the circumstances were not caused due to Seller’s fault, certain products (e.g. air & moisture-sensitive chemicals, refrigerated or frozen products, custom products or special orders) cannot be returned.
  5. Title to returned Products shall transfer to Seller upon acceptance at the facility designated by Seller.
  6. Any returned Products must be in their original packaging with the original label affixed, and unaltered in form and content.
  7. Original bill and other documents (such as spectral data) are mandatory to enable the return in time, so please send to Seller at your convenience.
  8. Return shipping fee for the disqualified product is at Seller’s expense.

If no need to replace, the refund amount will be transferred to your online account for your next order or bank account within 7 working days, if required.

For equipment and instruments, the seller shall not be held accountable if the equipment or instrument gets damaged during transportation or at the time of unloading, or while moving at the buyer’s premises. If there are any manufacturing defects, necessary steps shall be taken by the seller to address the same.

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